Trading Green: Analysing the EU’s Anti-Deforestation Measures in a WTO Framework

 Akshay Pathak and Neha Kumari Introduction The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established with the primary aim of engendering an equitable and unbiased multilateral trading system. Evidently, the principles of most favoured nation, national treatment, and elimination of quantitative restrictions reflect this commitment of WTO within various agreements. The WTO is dedicated to fostering just... Continue Reading →

Plain Packaging: When trade and non-trade concerns overlap

In 2012, Australia became the first country in the world to implement a law requiring tobacco products to be packaged in generic and standardised packets. [1] This meant that tobacco companies could no longer display designs, logos, colours and other trademarks on the packaging of their products. The idea behind this measure is that it reduces... Continue Reading →

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